Thursday, October 17, 2024

Trap Shooting...

The boys just finished up their first trap shoot of the school year! Some of Roen's very best friends shoot trap with him, so it is always a fun day of getting out of school with buddies for him. There aren't many in Remi's age group, but Remi is typically more than happy to hang with the younger boys! Roen just got a new shotgun for Christmas, so he was especially looking forward to his first competitive shoot with it! 

This is a L-O-N-G day.... Ben Wheeler is quite the drive and safety meetings are almost always super early in the morning, and then there is the waiting because, rarely are they running on time. But, this season of life is about being with the boys no matter the place or activity and a long day as a family is a day we get to be together! I'll take that over us all being in different directions any day!

I'd say for first go of the fall, they did pretty good and fun was had by all!

Remi: 47

Roen: 61

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Fall Days...

We loved every minute of our visits with Anne- I think she came four weeks in a row, helping us get moved in and settled! 

We have also loved having a pizza oven again and have had pizza night more times than I can count- Remi and Micah have become quit the little pizza team! 

I feel like the house is always buzzing with teen boys, where you will find them golfing on the simulator, eating on the patio or taking a late night dip. The boys seem to be going non-stop these days and Remi plays catch-up on sleep anytime we are in the car it seems, Roen prefers catching up with an early bedtime.  

Micah has taken Remi fishing to scope out fishing holes and I have had several quiet pool days to myself where the weather also lends itself to a mug of hot tea. I have started my spooky reading for the season and have done a bit of spooky shopping for some upcoming trips! I can't wait to share my upcoming travels, but you will have to wait until I have pictures to share and adventures to report!

I am also sharing a little glimpse into the most magical room in the house... my library! Since this picture was taken I have moved in some comfy seating in front of the fire place, but this little retreat is where you will find me most evenings after getting the boys to bed. I click on the fire, get out a good book and settle in, not quite believing this space is all mine!

Right now life is pretty wonderful. New normals have started setting in and this season of life is shinning with the little things- prayers with the boys at bedtime, boyhood friendships, cooler mornings with pumpkin spice sunsets, reading in front of the fire and dinner on the patio as a family. 

This fall has been a reminder of life's little blessings and given an appreciation for new chapters!

*Also my sweet Little Lady has an obsession with sitting on things! She sits on Benny all the time, but on this afternoon while I was alphabetizing my books, she found her a cozy little seat on some books! A poodle on some books in a library... that is just too much!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Fishing Tournament, Lake Ray Roberts...

The last Saturday in September, Remi had his very first high school fishing tournament! He and one of his very best friends are a team and Micah is their captain. He was out of pocket this first tournament, so they had a fill-in captain for the day. 

I didn't really know that catching a 'keeper' bass was hard, but apparently it is, because out of all the teams from our school, only one was caught. I know Remi and Leyton would have loved getting to come home with a keeper catch, but they still had so much fun! There are a total of 3 freshman teams (along with other upperclassmen teams) and so they are also getting to do this with some good buddies and two really sweet girls!

I don't know much about bass fishing, but I think this is going to be one of Remi's favorite parts of high school! 

Monday, October 14, 2024

First High School Golf Tournament Bridgeport...

At the end of September, Remi had his very first high school golf tournament! 

I feel like we have been playing and practicing for this moment for years! All those times we had to make the boys practice, all those times we completely fell apart on the course and we made them push through, all those bad attitudes we have spent years overcoming, the times they wanted to quit, the times they were too tired, too hot, too cold.... well, this was the day it all paid off!

There were are total of 10 golfers chosen to play in this tournament and Remi's coach chose him as one of the top 5 to play in our A group. Not only did his team of 5 place 1st, but out of all the boys who played, Remi placed 2nd individually! Remi was even par going into the back 9.... man, oh man, it sure was something! 

I love Remi's little golf team! He has several upperclassmen that he is loving getting to spend time with and it has been so fun getting to watch these new little friendships form. For the first time EVER, Remi is getting to participate in a sport at school where he is not the underdog, and my momma heart sure does love that for him!

Here's to a new chapter, that I am pretty certain might top them all!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fall School Pictures '24...

I threw dressing up for picture day out the window a long time ago! I did not, however, mean to let Roen's hair get this long right before pictures. In fact, he was 'dress coded' for his hair this very day and I trimmed it that evening, only later did I realize it had been picture day. Oh well, this is the boys on their everyday- long curls, hoodies and t-shirts! One thing is for certain, these days are flying by! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Celebrating 15....

On the day Remi turned 15, we started the day off early with a dirt cake birthday wish and one present! 

Remi had the biggest smile on his face as he went through his new tool set, complete with 3 drawers, wheels and over 400 tools! This gift was a surprise and I'd say it was a pretty perfect way to start his day!

From here we headed to the Maridoe Golf Club to watch some of our favorite pro golfers at the LIV Tour. Micah snagged us tickets to the gallery club where we had food, drinks and a shady place to land! We were all a little star struck watching Dechambeau and Mickleson  warm-up on the putting green.... except me, and I had to ask who everyone was, lol! 

We of course, paid a visit to the merchandise store where the boys got hats, hoodies and ball markers before making our way to the course. We walked along with the crowds until we found Dechambeau on hole 11 and watched him for a bit, before we called it a day. 

Once we made it back home, Remi opened the rest of his presents and then did a bit of sunset putting with Scout while Micah made a hibachi feast for dinner. It really was such a wonderful day celebrating our biggest boy!