This was one of my favorite memories from the whole trip...
Micah's aunt built a new school for the natives in the area in which we camped and hunted. I wish I had pictures of the old school house, but it was really, really sad. The chalk boards were falling apart, as were the desks and the building itself. This new schoolhouse is a huge blessing to this community and they were so proud of it! They waited to start school in the new building until we got there so she could see them on their first day. As we arrived, they were all standing outside their classrooms singing "thank you for our school". It brought tears to my eyes. They were so proud of something we so easily take for granted here in America. It was humbling. She also provided them all with new school supplies, t-shirts with the school logo and of course, a little candy. A new t-shirt to them is HUGE...I wish you could really see the clothes the kids run around in. Most of them have stains and holes...they literally wear their clothes until they are thread-bare. It was so refreshing to see kids appreciate a simple t-shirt and a new pencil! These people work for everything they have to be given anything is truly a blessing they rarely see.
I am so thankful that I got to be a part of this amazing expierence!

The Chief even came...this smile never left his face!
Most of these kids have no shoes :(
1 comment:
That's so humbling! I take so much for granted and it's nice to see people who genuinely are grateful receive such blessings! It would be nice to be able to donate to them somehow---shoe drive, etc. our church has done one before.
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