Monday, July 22, 2013


So, Roen was diagnosed with Asthma in April. It almost always starts with a runny nose and allergies. Then he starts coughing, and within a couple of days his oxygen level is usually in the 80' fun! Anyways, after this last episode,I asked if there was something we could do to prevent having to go on steroids so often. They put us on preventative breathing treatments twice a day...also no fun! However, Roen is such a good sport! Now, when I tell him it is time for his breathing treatment, he runs to the couch and takes it quietly without a fight!

I am still not fully convinced that this is not a result of the Almond Incident and will hopefully pass as his lungs fully recover and strengthen.


Whitnee said...

What a good helper for not fighting his treatments! Way to go little man! I sure do love u! Glad the medicine is helping.

Cindy Rector said...

Love those "baby blues"! I agree with sure makes it easier all the way around when he doesn't fight the treatment. I also hope that you are right about the almond incident. Love you all....hugs & kisses from CiCi.

erin f. said...

I know the breathing treatment routine all too well - a little boy I nannied had asthma and took preventative treatments twice a day for a long time. They took him to an allergist and got him on an inhaler which is worlds better, but he was 5 or 6 by then. Hope he continues to improve! Asthma stinks, I had it too - and still have allergies, awful.