Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Little House Decorating...

This week, I am going to try and finish up my house documenting. I think I only have a handful of areas that I haven't blogged. Today, I will share one of my favorite rooms of the house...

The Guest Bedroom!

I never planned to really love this room....very rarely does anyone sleep there, but I do fold laundry there almost everyday and so it has become a little oasis of sorts. I think that if I were single today, perhaps this is what my 'big girl' room would look like. The sun blankets this room most of the day and the way it falls through the windows gives the most comforting feeling nostalgia....

I have been hunting and scrounging around since we moved in, for the perfect piece above the stairs. There is HUGE area of vertical space that faces the top of the stairs. There is a long chicken-wire glass pendant that hangs from the ceiling but blank other than that. I wanted something a bit quirky since it is viewed from the playroom but also wanted it to cooridnate with the kitchen since that is what is viewed from the top of the stairs.

I found this woodblock print from artist, Anthony Burrill and fell in love. This reminder is something everyone in the house can appreciate... and I only hope will be so ingrained into the heads of my boys that they will follow suite. These pictures make it look a bit small but this print is 20x30...


Cindy Rector said...

Oh the guest room looks fantastic. You may have trouble getting your guests to leave! Great print above the stairs....words to live by. Thanks for sharing!!

Devin and Kensey said...

Where did you find that bedding?! Your home is just beautiful!

Melanie said...

I love everything you have don't with your house! Do you mind sharing your source for that secretary in the guest room.

Melanie said...


Lauri Anne said...

I got the secretary desk from World Market... I got it months ago so I'm not sure if they have it anymore but it was a steal!