Friday, May 1, 2015

Teeny Weeny Olympics...

Today the boys participated the annual Teeny Weeny Olympics at school. Remi had a BLAST. Everytime I saw him there was a smile on his face and he was laughing like it was the best day ever.

Roen had fun at first. He never really opens up fully around large groups, so he was very reserved, but I caught a few smiles. After getting hit in the face with a bubble wand, he was done. From then on out, he decided he wanted to go home and refused to participate and was glued to Mommy... I figured this might happen.

It was beautiful weather and afterwards, I took the boys to lunch and the Farmer's Market. It was a sweet day with my two favorite boys!

(There were several water activities, so I put them in the swim trunks)

Carrying their torches...

Tug-o-war with his teacher...

Loving that Daddy got to come...

The best picture of them wearing their medals I could get...

Friends that also go to church with us...

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Cute pictures!! Looks like it was the perfect day for Olympics!! Sorry that Roen got smacked. The picture of him with Micah is so sweet. Champions in the making!!