You see, I have two VERY 'boy' boys. They are both so boy, I almost always find the things they find fun, pretty intriguig.
The other day, they were both 100% in their own world, absorbed in independent corners of their little boy imaginations, that I decided to document how my boys can be so much the same, yet, so very, very different...
Remi had been outside for most of the morning when he came running inside with his bug cage. Inside was the biggest caterpillar I have ever seen. Remi was so proud that he had found it that his eyes sparkled. He found it in the neighbor's flowerbed and after catching it, let it go. Of course, Roen had to go check out the discovery.
At the very time Remi was outside exploring, Roen was upstairs playing with all his wooden trucks and street signs. Roen will do this for hours. All I ever hear out of him are the sounds of sirens and trucks roaring while I work on my computer. This little guy has been in love with trucks for as long as I can remember...
I am a 'boy' mom and you know what... God gave me exactly what I never knew I wanted. My boys fulfill my heart in ways I could have never imagined and every time Remi runs in with dirt on his face and a critter in his hand with the sweetest truck sounds coming from Roen's mouth in the background, I realize that my life couldn't get any better.
Happy Monday!
What a great way to start a Monday!! Love this sweet story written from the heart of a mother of two BOYS!! Have a great day.
P.S. I've been missing your posts😘
Hey girl! Do you have any book suggestions? I follow your blog and read a lot of your previous suggestions and I think I (finally) have time for a summer book! Anything good you've read lately???
Oh I love this post! You are the best boy mom ever!
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