Tuesday, August 4, 2015

And So It Begins...

I knew last year around this time that when it was Remi's time to start 'real' school, it would tug at my heart.

Is there anything that really makes us feel more alive than watching our babies grow up. It's like one day they are running around, free as bird, digging in the dirt, riding bikes all day long, asking for peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for lunch everyday and then just like that, they are off to school and onto new adventures!

Remi is SO excited about Kindergarten. Though, he will know not a soul, I have no doubt that make many friends... friends that will carry through the next 13 years of his life. It is my hope that his sweet little heart is drawn to children who will be a positive influence in his little world. I hope that I can learn to let go a little, let him learn to work through things independently and that his teacher will love him and help him fly.

Remi wants to ride the bus. We live in a tiny little school district and many children in our neighborhood would be on there with him... but when I picture my dark headed boy getting off and on that bus with his little dragon backpack on his back, his tiny velcro sneakers, his homework folder, well to be honest, I guess it all is just a little too much for me to handle. I am not ready for Remi to be separate from Roen and I everyday. I haven't decided who will miss him the most, Roen or me, but one thing is for sure...

...being a stay at home mom will never be the same. Remi's daily presence will truly be missed and I can assure you this; Roen and I will be waiting every single afternoon at the end of the drive way for our Remi to get off the bus...


Cindy Rector said...

You could have put a Kleenex warning on the first line!!
So sweet and time goes by so quickly. It will be an adjustment for all of you. I'm sure a few tears will slide down your cheeks and possibly Roen's. Hope the last few weeks are filled with lots of fun in the sun and PBJ's. In case I haven't told you lately...thank you so much for blogging. It makes my day!! Love you all.

The Holik's said...

LAURI!!! I feel your pain!! Letting them go seems so hard. And the first day wasn't even really the hardest for me, it was just the everyday she has to go, and is not here with us during the day! :( BUT, she LOVED it!! And, I"m sure he will do great!!

I will be thinking about you this year!!

ProbandtFamily said...

You are really speaking to me right now! I just picked up school supplies today! And everything you've said hits home for me!