Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Blue & Gold Scout Ceremony...

Sunday, was the the boy's Blue & Gold Cub Scout Ceremony. This was Remi's 2nd year to do Cub Scouts and Roen's 1st year.

I think Roen really enjoyed getting to partake in all the Cub Scout activities this year and Remi continues to love Cub Scouts. The highlights of the year were the Rocket Launch, Turkey Shoot and the Pinewood Derby Races. Getting to do all this with your friends is just icing on the cake!

I cannot believe another year of Scouts has come and gone. I am forever grateful for the activities in which the boys- especially Remi- have had the opportunity to be involved with due to Cub Scouts. As we take a break from Cub Scouts, the boys have several new ventures coming up. They just started gymnastics (which they love and ask why they can't go everyday) and will be starting piano lessons soon. These boys keep us busy, but I am certain, these are the very best days!!!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Awesome pictures! So proud of Remi and Roen. They have the biggest smiles ❤️ Thanks so much for sharing. Love and hugs!