After the rain and thunder moved out, the boys got showered, ready for bed and we all cozied up on the couch to settle in for bedtime stories. It was the exact moment after we had tucked our blankets around us and got comfy that Remi looked up and saw through the window that his new pedal boat was in the middle of the cove. Not only that, but it had filled with water and was on the verge of sinking. Immediatly, Remi and I went into problem solving mode, grabbing life vests and hollering at Roen to come help with the boat rescue.
Remi is great, fantastic, actually, in situations like this. He takes charge, works quickly and always knows exactly what to do. The boys loaded up on their kayak and set out to the middle of the cove. The water was like glass, the sky tinted with cotton candy colors and the boys literally had the entire lake to themselves.
Once they reached the pedal boat, Remi hopped on while Roen stayed close beside in his kayak. Because it was so full of water, steering was near impossible and Remi had to stand on the front using a paddle. He ended up falling in and it was a bit of a process to finally get his little blue boat back to the dock, but they did. The successfully got it back, tied up and secured.
Once they made it back up to the house, Remi went and rinsed off again, before settling back in for story time for the second time that night.
I have no doubt that, as we read ourselves to sleep, their little minds wandered away as they replayed getting to spend their evening on the glass surface of the lake, starring in their own little rescue mission.
1 comment:
That’s awesome that those two jumped into rescue mode. I’m pretty sure I would have been on the phone to Kyle or Parker or both asking for help! Way to go team Davenport! Y’all have obviously instilled remaining calm in these type of situations! Super cool story. And on a side note...the pictures are incredible! The second one with the lightning strike is my favorite. I’m not a fan of storms but I really enjoy looking at pictures. Love and hugs to y’all!
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