Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Sleeping, Pouting & Oreos...

Oh, Roen, your little personality cracks me up!

Most of the time you wear a smile so big that your eyes squint close.

But, you can also pout like nobody's business!

You love getting up early with me and cuddling Little Lady while I cook breakfast.

You have always been my best sleeper,

and nothing makes you happier than an Oreo break!

These are the many faces and personalities of my sunshine boy...

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Such sweet pictures ❤️ His sweet smile has just the right amount of mischievousness! Not sure how he or Micah could be comfortable...but Roen is sawing logs 😴. You might want to get a Jada size dog bed so he’d be more comfortable snuggling Little Lady 😂. Soak up every minute...time is passing too quickly!!
Thanks for sharing...miss you all! Love y’all bunches!