Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reptile Farm...

Sometimes, I think we have our own reptile farm. If we aren't catching turtles, then it is lizards, and if it isn't lizards, then it's frogs. The boys love them all and think they are free, instant pets. Remi is very quick to gather materials and build habitats for all these critters whenever the need arises.

Recently, he has been catching Spiny Tree Lizards. Right now, he has three- a little bitty, a feisty medium (that likes to bite), and a giant grandpa! Remi has several lizard cages, but they weren't big enough for his liking, so he built them a home with several cardboard boxes. He made a tunnel for them to pass through, a skylight for the heat lamp, several saran wrap windows and is very proud of the lizard collection he has going. He checks on them first thing in the morning, feeds them way too much, and I am just overall in love with how pretty it looks decorating my house (lol)!

Lady wants these lizards so bad, she can hardly stand it!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Yikes....that would be a “heck” to the NO if I was his momma! 😬. The lizard castle would have to be outside, like in the neighbors backyard!😂. I’m pretty sure no one has trouble social distancing from those critters...except Remi and Lady. You do know that they make signs that say “no visitors allowed”....might be better than housing lizards. Good luck...tell Remi he’s one lucky guy.
Love y’all! Stay healthy.