Friday, June 19, 2020

Birthday Fun...

Tuesday, one of the boy's very best friend's had a birthday! I love summer birthday parties, because the boys get to see all their friends in one place! These boys swam, did tricks off the diving board and ran around with friends being silly all evening! What a fun party this was!

Auntie Tizzy and Squawby just can't help themselves sometimes.... we are childish and gross, but that cake icing was pretty yummy...

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Nothing better than a swim party! Sure a bunch of cute boys. And I’m thinking you and Tiz can’t be left unattended 😂😂. Just remember your shenanigans when the boys do this at some point in time! Happy Friday....hope y’all have a great weekend! Love y’all! 😘