The boys recently started a little program in our Lake Community called Operation 36 Golf. They are grouped with other kids around their age where they get to have weekly lessons, competitions and 4 Mondays of trying to get 9 holes in 36 strokes or under!
The older the boys get, the more and more competitive they are. With them being so close in age, this makes them especially competitive with each other.
I have one who is naturally athletic, has a deep love for all sports and approaches them with ease and positivity. This is Roen. He makes things look so easy, has just as good of an attitude when he loses as he does when he succeeds. His biggest competition is himself and he rarely gets discouraged. He is easy to watch, easy to coach and loves any sport you throw at him!
Remi is my thinker. In most cases, he over thinks. When it comes to sports, he approaches things in a very critical and calculated way, expecting perfection from himself. He has extremely high standards and when he falls even the teensiest bit short, he is very hard on himself. This makes him a very emotional athlete and can be very hard for this momma to watch. Especially when little brother has a day where he is soaring and big brother is stuck in the sand trap.
Navigating these waters with my boys is very tricky. I never want to skim over Roen's talents but I also want Remi to know his value is not in winning. These days of them competing together are just beginning and I have to say, this will be by far, one the hardest things for me to navigate as a mom.
I try to help the boys see life lessons in every situation and even though some of these lessons are hard- like having your little brother beat you by 7 strokes in front of all your buddies- the boys are still loving this program!
Tuesday morning practice
Tuesday morning practice
This was their first 36 competition! Their goal was 36 or better in order to advance to the next round. Roen came in with a 33 and Remi with a 40. It was a hard day for big brother, but hopefully he can get it next competition day!
Competition Day 1
The boys will continue this program throughout the summer! As they advance, the competitions will get more and more challenging- nothing better than some good ole competition with your buddies!
1 comment:
Sounds like an awesome program. I can’t imagine what a balancing act you must be doing...Micah too! Praising one and comforting the other. Encouraging both! This is a great lesson they are both learning...pretty much how life can be. Keep up the great work...they are blessed!!!
Love y’all bunches 😘🤗🙏
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