Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Stargazing & Sky Watching...

Remi has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of his telescope Micah and I gave him for his birthday. The day it came in, he had it out, getting everything setup just right for when the moon came out that night. 

Since, he has studied the moon, finding the perfect scopes and angles, mesmorized by the detail of the craters he is able to see. He has stayed up late to see the moon, gone out early in the mornings to see the last bits of remaining night sky before the sun comes up and has even spotted Mars. 

Remi continues to dream of becoming an astronaut, visiting Mars one day, seeing Earth from far above, and this little piece of equipment makes his dream feel just a little bit closer. I love the way this kid dreams. There is nothing timid about the things he hopes to achieve one day. 

Last night, as I was laying with him in bed, he told me he wanted to invent something that changes the world. This is not the first time he has told me this and I'm sure it won't be the last, but it will never cease to give me goosebumps, laying there, knowing the interworkings of his mind are beyond my wildest dreams.

Remi, you keep chasing your dreams and reaching for the stars!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Now that’s a telescope!!! I can only imagine what you can see through that lens. Awesome!!!
I love his enthusiasm!! He is destined to do great things. I agree....keep shooting for the stars Remi.
Love y’all bunches!!