Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Decking The Halls...

We got out our Christmas decor weeks ago! I love starting as soon as Halloween ends because then I can focus on Thanksgiving festivities! Plus, there is just a certain magic about a dark room lit with Christmas tree lights that I like to soak up as soon as I can!

This year, Remi wasn't very into decorating his tree. In fact, he asked me to do it for him. I was a little sad about this, but it all comes with growing up. 

Roen, on the other hand, ran around like a wild little Indian elf, singing carols and loving every minute of pulling his ornaments from his tub. He would say "Oooh, this one is my favorite!" or "I forgot about this one!" He was loving him some Christmas decorating!

I buy the boys a new ornament (or two... or several) for their tree every year. This year, I got them each an Old World Christmas ornament- Remi got an iguana and Roen got a turtle. 

Remi loved his iguana and I was able to find the perfect little spot on his tree for his new green critter! After I had his tree all done up, his smile told me that he loved his tree even though he wasn't the one to decorate it!

Roen was very excited that he now has not only a sea turtle but a land turtle for his tree, too! Roen was very intentional with where he placed his ornaments. He wanted his turtles front and center and right by each other, and then he grouped all his sports related ornaments together. He is pretty proud of his tree and it is written all over his happy little Christmas face!

This is my favorite time of year, no doubt! I love the decorating, the Christmas music, the magical elves, the gift-giving and evening the wrapping! I am so thankful that Micah loves Christmas as much as I do and sharing this time of the year with the boys just puts me on Christmas Cloud 9!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Well this was just a I read the words I'm thinking...yay, gonna be lots of pictures! Guess I have to wait !
The boys ornaments are so cute. I don’t have many of the Old World Christmas ornaments, but I love them. It’s like they are 3D. Roen is super excited and he did a great job decorating his tree. I like the way he groups his ornaments. I tend to want to do that too! 😉
Hard to believe it’s December!! Hope y’all have a great week. Looking forward to seeing more decorations! Love y’all bunches!😘