Monday, December 14, 2020

Elf Adventures...

The elf adventures continue at the Davenport house! One morning, these merry, little elves hid candy canes for the boys to find! It really was the most fun way to start our morning! We have found them playing on the playstation, all cozied up in the boy's bean bags, riding decor they found around the house, cutting up itty bitty snowflakes and even in their own little game of chess! 

The boys love waking up to see what Jingle and Jolly have been up to!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Jingle and Jolly have been busy! I love their adventures...certainly mimics the RD’s 😉. Can’t wait to see what they do to finish out the season. Sure thankful they have stayed healthy!! As always...keep us posted!
Love y’all bunches!😘