Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Jingle Bells & Jolly Elf...

The boys magical little elves made their appearance shortly after Thanksgiving. This was a much anticipated arrival, especially by Roen. I think Remi is right on the cusp of wondering and doubting. However, seeing what these little mischief makers have been up to every night is the first thing the boys search for every morning! 

This little tradition was something I held out on for years and years. Last year, I finally gave in, and I am so glad I did. This is just one more piece of tradition I hope the boys will always remember.                                              

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

I’m so glad these little elves didn’t make an appearance back in the 80’s 🤪. I’m pretty sure that I would have dropped the ball. However, I love seeing the ideas that you moms come up with. Jingle Bells and Jolly Elf have been busy. Hopefully they won’t give the boys any ideas...especially stringing each other up😉😉. Good luck with their adventures!! Feel free to give us another update!!
Love y’all bunches 😘