Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas....

form our family to yours! 

I hope your holiday is full of your favorite people, yummy holiday treats, sleeping in, matching Christmas pajamas, and even if only for one evening, I hope you throw Covid out the widow and hug the neck of every special person in your life!

We skipped waiting in line to take a picture with a masked Santa, so we took a picture with a Photoshop Santa instead! The boys weren't really thrilled about this version of a Santa picture either, but at least we didn't have to leave the house!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Merry Christmas Davenport Family! May your day be filled with many blessings!
Until I can physically hug each of you, I’m sending big ole bear hugs and lots of love!
(Just know that I’ll be coming in like a flying squirrel for that hug when it happens 😉)
Tell the boys I think their Santa picture looks pretty cute! Love y’all bunches!