Tuesday, December 22, 2020

School Projects...

When it comes to learning, Remi will always be my hands-on learner. This year, he has been blessed with an amazing Science teacher. She fills her classroom full of opportunities for hands-on projects, creative journaling and experiments. 

Remi is always doing his own experiments at home, learning by doing and so his prior knowledge of Science is pretty extensive, but his teacher has taken what he knows and built on it. He has learned so much this year and is loving every minute. He has loved being challenged in something where his interests are high. 

Right before break, the 5th graders created their own circuit boxes. Remi has been fiddling with circuits for as long as I can remember, so to say he was excited would be a vast understatement! He ended up turning his box into a cute little gingerbread house! They designed their boxes at home and then added circuits with Christmas lights at school.

As much as he loved this project though, there were definitely challenges! He is about as stubborn as they come. He is used to having his own supplies and his own timeline for the projects he dreams up at home. The fact that he not only had to do things the teacher's way, but had a deadline was a bit irritating to him. In fact, one evening he got downright angry that he wasn't able to use his own wiring system because it was 'the better' way to do it. 

In the end, he was able to get his box finished, and even though he didn't like having to do things 'the wrong way' I think it was very good for him!

Having an excuse to get out all his electrical supplies always leads to side projects and distraction! It's like his little brain goes into overdrive thinking of all the things he wants to create! As you can see in the last pictures, he ended up making a little snow globe as he was going through supplies he thought he might need

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

The finished product looks amazing! Great job Remi!! I am pretty sure I never worked with circuits when I was in grade school. 😉 He is super focused and on point. And how in the world did he figure out the snow globe? Impressive to say the least...but I’m not surprised.
Oh to have to put that round peg into a square hole probably drove him crazy, but he stuck with it and played by the rules. You’re right ... a hard but good lesson. Congrats Remi, someday I want to build something with you 🤗
Love y’all bunches!