Thursday, January 21, 2021

Basketball is Here!

 Oh, how happy my boys are!

There is nothing quite like the excitement when basketball season starts around here. We love days full of baseball, and there is nothing better than golf,  but, oh how we LOVE basketball! It is fast, it is aggressive and it is with our very best friends! 

Watching these boys on the court is highly entertaining and I love every single minute! We have gone to watch the varsity boys play several times now, and you should see the way these boys watch... big eyes, not missing a thing and if their minds wander like mine, they might just be picturing themselves out there in the years to come!

Remi and Roen are on separate teams again this year. Roen is competing in the 3rd/4th Grade league and so we anticipate them having a pretty successful year being the oldest as 4th Graders. Remi's team is competing in the 5th/6th Grade league and though I have a feeling we have some tough losses ahead, there is no hustle like this group of boys! 6th Grade is the first year that hormones and puberty have started to take a toll on our competitors and let me tell you, our first two games attested to that 100 percent! The boys we played were huge! And, well, we are not huge by any stretch!

After our first weekend of games, Roen's team has a win under their belt and Remi's team has one win and one loss. It's going to be a great season!

Rooting on the varsity boys!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

They are definitely not the “little” dribblers any longer! Sure is a handsome group of guys up in the bleachers ♥️ I hope they both have a great season. This sport flys enjoy!! This was a favorite of mine mainly because it was inside a warm gym 😁. Good luck Remi! Good luck Roen! Show off those skills!!
Love y’all bunches 😘🤗