Monday, March 8, 2021

Basketball 2021...

The boy's basketball season has officially come to an end! 

If I'm being completely honest, this makes me a little sad. Other than golf, this is by far my favorite sport to watch the boys play. I love the constant energy of basketball, the fast-paced in your face movement. 

Roen's team ended their season undefeated! These boys really learned how to play together this year, and they looked so good out there on the court. Roen has come such a long way in basketball, and I was pretty proud of that boy! He has gotten so good with his ball handeling skills and though he didn't score every game, he had so many great assists! Saturday, was our end of the season tournament and his team won the championship game- little Ro scored 8 points! 

Remi's team has some serious hustle! We were up against some really big boys this year and our little size did not help us at all. We lost our first game of the tournament, but barely, in overtime- what a game! Next year, I have a feeling these boys will come back with a bit more height, determined to be at the top!

Thanks to Covid, each player was only allowed two spectators, but I was just thankful we were able to have a season at all! Pops was able to come watch their tournament on Saturday, and Remi's math teacher came out a few weeks ago to watch his team play as well! The boys were also pretty excited when one of our varsity boys showed up to root on these little Wildcats- what a treat this was to them all!!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

First off...Congratulations to both boys! Way to go Roen...sounds like you finished the season with an awesome game! Remi, next year y’all will come back taller and stronger. Pretty cool that Micah was a coach. That makes it extra special. There sure are a lot of big smiles in the pictures with the varsity player. Very thoughtful of him to come and watch the boys play. Speaks volumes to those little guys. Also, special to have a teacher come watch and nothing better than for them to see Pops in the stands! Basketball is fast and furious...but the very best thing is that you get to cheer them on in a warm gym! 😉
Thanks for sharing the pictures! Next best thing to being there. Love y’all bunches! 😘