Thursday, November 28, 2024

Flower Mound Robotics Meet

At the beginning of November, Remi had his very first robotics meet! He has seriously been looking forward to this since middle school! He has worked so hard coding and building this robot along side a handful of upperclassmen. This is by far his most favorite class and not only was it a huge deal to get asked to attend the meet as a freshman, but he also got to be one of the drivers! There was a whole crew at the meet but only 4 get to be at the ring. There are 2 drivers (one moves directionally and the other controls the claw), there is one who places the blocks and the other is the coach. 

We really had no idea what to expect, but it was so much fun! There are five 2-minute rounds and two teams are picked randomly to pair up against two other teams. After each round they have a little bit of time to go back into the work area and make quick repairs with tools and coding. In fact, Remi said he coded the robot for auto drive (which they get 30 extras seconds at the beginning of each round if their robot has that capability) 20 minutes before go-time. If there is one thing this kid can do, it's handle tools and technology!

We didn't do near as well as we wanted, but they went straight back to school and started from scratch! There is no guarantee that Remi will get to attend future meets and he may not get to be actively in the ring again, so this was an event we were soaking up!

I wish you could have seen him out there. He was so confident, taking charge, guarding the robot with his life, doing all of the handling, just 100% in his element. I don't get to see Remi in that type of setting often and it was incredible. I sat by his coach during the first round and he said he was blown away with Remi's abilities in class. He said never has he had a student with that much confidence and in every aspect of the robot building. Remi said most people are either good the coding or good at the building... he is pretty great at it all. This little guy has finally found his niche and goodness, there is no better feeling as a parent!

This isn't the group of boys you see out on the football field on Friday nights, it's not full of your prom kings and best dressed kiddos.... but you know what, Remi doesn't even see it. Remi has never felt the need to be surrounded by status, he has only ever needed to be surrounded by those who allow him to be fully himself. Remi is so very real. He is a boy who is as at ease with his super stud best friends as he is with the boys he builds robots with.... and late at night, when the day is over and all but forgotten, there is a good chance they are in his nighttime prayers. And so, to circle back around, this is a group Remi feels extremely honored to be a part of, and for that, my momma heart is proud!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

I’m so proud of Remi and his skills! Such an honor to be part of the competition as a Freshman! I love all the pictures. He’s definitely in his element. And here I am thinking…I have no idea what coding is 😬
Congratulations, Remi! Thanks for sharing this amazing work. Love y’all 😘