Sunday, March 15, 2020

Corona Conversations...

If your home is anything like ours, then the Coronavirus has most definitely held it's place in family conversation.

On the way home from school the other day, Remi mentioned needing a portable charger for our upcoming ski trip. I chose that time to tell him that the market was crashing, the oil field unstable and that right now, we are not buying anything that is not absolutely necessary. Both boys listened and understood in their own ways.

It's no secret that my boys are literally like night and day. One is as happy and light-hearted as the sun and the other as serious and analytical as a dark cloud at times. Sure, they have their similarities, but overall, they are two very different little boys. After having this conversation with them, I was reminded of just how different they are when I was able to witness what they each took from this very conversation...

Later that afternoon, at Remi's baseball practice, Roen said, "Momma, why is it that we can't buy stuff right now? Is it because everything has that Corona stuff all over it?" Bless his heart, he takes things so very literally and often only listens here and there, resulting in many jumbled up ideas. I just giggled, because in his Lala Land mind, this is what he took from our whole conversation about the market, how it affects Daddy's oilfield company and how it affects our economy.

The next morning, Remi woke up early and found me outside letting the dogs out, fully dressed at 6:00 AM. He quickly told me he was going down to his workshop to build, and off he went! Right after I finished getting the bacon fried, he came upstairs with a homemade portable charger. He had taken a battery pack, connected it to some wires and then connected those to a wall plug he had taken apart. It ended up shorting out and so it didn't end up working, but I was astounded. That little 'fixer' thought, if I can't buy it, I'll make it!

From that little 10 minute conversation, I had one boy simplify the whole thing, letting it all skim right over his head. I had the other going into survival mode. These two boys balance out our family in the most perfect way and these little moments make me love that Roen is always there to make me laugh and Remi is always there to make me think.

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Another incredible creation! Remi’s just got more wheels turning than my poor old brain has room for! I think my brain is more in tune with Roen's. It’s a crazy time in this world. Love y’all bunches!