But, I have to say, in the 7 days that we have been schooling, we have fallen into a routine that works and that we all love. The boys wake-up around 7:00 everyday- because they are those type of kids who don't believe in sleeping in. The first things they do are brush their teeth, make their bed and then do 30 minutes of Core 5 (Dyslexia tutoring on iPads). After this, they are free to play, which most of the time is Minecraft or Fortnite. I get up around 8, make breakfast and after we eat and I clean-up the kitchen, we are able to start lessons around 9:00.
I always start with Roen because he has had a bit more than Remi. We work pretty steadily for about an hour. Durning this time, Remi is free to do as he likes. For the next hour, the boys switch and I work with Remi for an hour. Once Remi is finished, I have Roen come back for about 30 minutes. And that's it! Within this time we are able to not only get our day's work done, but we are able to usually get ahead a few assignments.
The boys have one art and one music assignment each week- we have done those in the afternoons when we need something to do. Both of these teachers have come up with some pretty fun little activities! Micah is in charge of PE and has had them doing all sorts of things. He often sets up obstacle courses, sometimes it's golf, other times it has been archery... these boys have no problem getting in active time.
Our days have been a combination of work, play, outside, inside, relaxing, chores and art. Remi has told me he wishes I would always home school him. He has a deep love for learning and getting to do it one on one has been wonderful for him. Roen has had a sweet little attitude about his work and is very quick about his work. Where Remi tends to lollygag, Roen goes at lightening speed! I pulled out Remi's Social Studies book the other morning and he said, "Yes, I love this book!" He listens and engages in conversation about what I read. He understands his math easily and as long as I'm there to help him spell/read, he is good to go.
Roen often puts on a pouty attitude about his journal writing and Remi absolutely detest writing at all, but those are hurdles we seem to be handling just fine.
I was a bit worried that schoolwork would interrupt this time that we are getting to spend together, but in it's own little way, the schoolwork has made it even better. It has given us a morning schedule which is balanced out with an afternoon of freedom, it has given me lots of one on one time with my boys and because they spend most of the morning separated, they have been getting along so much better!
We have watercolored, we have built instruments, we have learned about volcanos, earthquakes and land formations, we have had the most amazing obstacle course competitions, we have had breakfast together every morning, and we have had time to do it all at our own pace. This new little way of life suites us just fine. In fact, I'd say despite eveything going on around us, we continue to feel blessed!

This is our workspace. It is a screened in porch with a peaceful little view of the lake. I have come to love this learning space and the time we spend learning there.

I have been doing a sticker system for the boys. Each day they complete an area with a GOOD ATTITUDE, they get a sticker. It all has to get done, I am just really focusing on it being done with a smile!
When we picked up Remi's packet, his teacher had a little treat tucked inside. I thought it was pretty sweet!
Lesson Time is done most days on the porch. There have been days where the cool mornings put us inside, but most of the time, the porch is our learning spot. Lady loves snuggling up in her bed where she is part of the action, but where she can also watch for ducks and squirrels. Remi likes to have a cup of coffee close by and Roen often brings along a little snack to have as he works.

Zoom Meetings and Online Lessons have been a fun way for the boys to see their classmates and teachers. These fun little 15 minute meetings always seem to make them smile! The one where Remi was shirtless, he was listening to his teacher read the new class chapter book (it was recorded and no one could see him).

Art & Music have been so fun for us. We have a whole list of projects we can pick from and most of the time we land on something hands-on. One day, we made instruments, another day, we drew and watercolored the sounds of nature that reminded us of music, we watercolored a color wheel, we did a little study on warm/cool colors... in this house, we LOVE art!

Roen's mini banjo... I had a pretty heavy hand in helping him with this

Remi's guitar he made down in his workshop

PE only has to be documented here and there. These boys of mine are pretty active and are always into something. Micah has been pretty good about giving them some organized active time, but I'd say this is the one class they ace without even trying. On the days that Micah can't be available to do PE, my favorite activity is a good ole nature walk. We usually see snakes, turtles, minnows, fish and lots and lots of friends out doing the same thing!

**If you notice that Roen seems to always be wearing that white shirt with the waterslide on it, well, that seems to be his favorite hand-me-down from Remi these days. As soon as it's clean, he puts it on. By the end of the day, it is more brown than white!
1 comment:
Yay for embracing home schooling! They have an awesome classroom and a really “cool” mom/teacher! And that PE Coach is looking good too! I can’t imagine how overwhelming I would feel at having to teach my child/children. Keep up the great work and enjoy every minute! Of course it sounds like you may have a new job come fallπ. Thanks so much for sharing...in these crazy times it’s always nice to know that you’re happy and healthy!! Love y’all bunches ππππ
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