Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Corona Cloud...

As much as I am soaking up this time with my three favorite people, I know there is a flip side to what is happening in our world right now.

It is the dark cloud of doubt, fear and anxiety that has seem to become the focus of it all. People plastering articles on social media, people posting unkind and negatives words, people keeping death counts, people reprimanding others for not being careful enough. In the beginning, everyone was mad because of stockpiling. Those who didn't stockpile need groceries and now, people are mad because there are too many people in the grocery stores.

Let's quit blaming others for this mess we are all in. There is no wrong or right way to handle this uncharted territory.

There will be people who are going to leave their house. Some people are going to take this too lightly- others will take it too serious. People will get sick and many will die. Walking around with a chip on your shoulder and pointing fingers won't fix anything.

Put a smile on your face and choose to be happy.

There are people who are considered essential and having to work right now. Possibly bringing this home to your family is scary.

There are small businesses that are closing their doors and it is their only source of income. This is scary too.

There are people who have underlying issues and could die if they get this virus. Also scary.

It is all scary. But is being scared worth robbing you of these wonderful days we have been given?

We have a small business. It is an oilfield business. I am a stay-at-home mom. If our business goes bankrupt, we have no income. Our house that was supposed to close last week didn't get to close. That mortgage that we were hoping to be done with is still having to be paid. I have severe asthma and Roen has a terrible immune system.

I say all of this, not for sympathy, but so you know, I relate to the fears of every other American in some way. My family is not immune to all of this. We are also not worse off... and neither are you. This is hard for all of us.

But, this will not steal my joy.
I will not point fingers.
I will not live in fear.

I will say yes to water balloon fights, we will play in the mud, I will allow cookies for breakfast, I will hug my babies tightly, I will tell them I love them every chance I get. Because if it all hits the fan tomorrow, I want to know without a doubt that I spent the time we all had loving, playing, smiling and being so caught up in our togetherness that I never saw it coming.

Hop off that bandwagon and find happiness in this storm... the rainbow will surely follow.

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Amen and amen!! This is the time to feed our FAITH...not our fears!! Praying is the best thing we can all do during this crisis. Thanks for an uplifting post. You all stay safe and healthy! Always in my y’all bunches 😘😘😘😘