Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Frogs & Balloons....

You know it's been a good day when one pulls into the driveway sporting a balloon hat and the other captures a frog brought in by the summer rain...

I wouldn't trade these past months for anything in the world.

There are some pretty scary and evil things going on in our world right now, but there are also some pretty great things going on too.

Things like a very long break from the busy, catching critters in the rain, golfing the sun down, going days without showers, covered in chiggers from great adventures, wet swimsuits, bikes flung all over the driveway... in our neck of the woods, this little break from normalcy has given our boys some time to get back to the basics of just being a boy! Sweaty, stinky, boys who play until the sun goes down and pop up ready to go again every single morning!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

You are right on target! So many families have embraced this slow down and found a love for the little things in life! For those are the things that truly matter! Remi did a great job with the balloons 🎈. Now Roen’s’s cute...but from a distance 😉
Happy July Davenport family!! Love y’all bunches!