I am super-duper organized. I hate messes! Everything has to have a place and be orderly. I am like this with EVERYTHING! Since I take pictures of Remi pretty much everyday, I had to find a good way to organize all his pictures. Here is what I came up with...
I started with my pregnancy journal which consists of every belly shot and all my blog entries pertaining to my pregnancy
then I have done a book for every month so far...here are the covers
and here are the backs
I love that they look so clean and pretty when stacked together
I even did him a special Christmas book
Where did you order them from? They are really cool!!
Very cute! I love photo books and I'm currently working on several. I don't know if I'm quite as organized as you though!
What a great idea! I love it. Where did you order these from?
Oh my gosh, Lauri! That is such an adorable idea. I'll keep that in mind for one day far away!
Great idea! You are so clever. You must take a zillion pictures to have a book for each month. I hope I'm that good.
Did you order these from Mac, or online??
I started these when Caleb was born...didn't get passed the birth book, though. Good intentions on my part (as always) but I'm not disciplined enough. Kuddos to you for BEAUTIFUL books! You've inspired me to get on the ball :)
I love these!! You are awesome! These are priceless :-)
i want to do one with my pregnancy photos, entires too!! and then I plan on doing one for his first year! i figure they will make great christmas presents!!
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