Saturday, November 26, 2011

Remi's First Trip to the


Yep, it finally happened! Our little rascal finally made it to the emergency room! Though I know it won't our last time, I hope it is for a long time!

I was downstairs at my mom's doing laundry when remi runs to me saying "hurts, hurts" and pointing to his mouth. So I go to where he was playing and see it...a dustbuster charging cord plugged into the wall and the other end laying on the ground. I instantly ask Remi if he put it in his mouth and he says "uhuh" that he did. At first I wasn't to concerned because he seemed ok. However he kept telling me that it hurt so when I really looked, I could see blue streaks around his mouth and what appeared to be a burn in his mouth. To be on the safe side, we decided to take him in.

While we sat in the waiting room, I realized that the blue streaks would come off when I rubbed them. So at this point I'm thinking it is just something else he got into and felt like maybe he was fine and we were just overreacting. Well, I was right, because once the doctor looked in his mouth he said it might be a burn but he could have also just bit his mouth. Anyway, he sent us home with no treatment and we kinda felt silly.

I feel certain that he put the cord
in his mouth and that it probably shocked him, but I'm just glad he is fine!!!

After we realized all was good, I had to get a couple of pics of him in his little was too cute!

*These are cell phone pics, so sorry for the poor quality


XO, Katie said...

I'm so glad that he's okay! Sounds like something Tate would do! bhahahah

The Holik's said...

Glad he's fine; we took Kylee in twice now, and one time, they just put a bandaid on her forehead. We felt silly. And I'm pretty sure jaxon has shocked himself with the outlet; can be scary!!

Love the Gator by the way!!

Michelle said...

oh no! better safe than sorry, though!