Monday, December 12, 2011

7 Months...

Ro Bear is seven months old today!!

Roen is still trying like crazy to crawl, but he can't quite get it yet

Still haven't started solids, Im thinking after Christmas

He still sleeps good at night and naps in his swing

Has the sweetest disposition and very laid back

Grabs everything in sight

Is becoming a Momma's boy. He has started getting upset when I leave the room and he is beginning to like being in my arms more than anywhere else.

Loves bath time, chewing on things and watching Remi play.

Tends to be very sensitive. Whenever Remi yells at him or even too close to him, he gets his feelings hurt and cries. It breaks my heart.

Seems to have slowed down as far as growing. Is in size three diapers and mostly 12 month clothing. The other day all I had in my diaper bag was Roen's diapers and Remi needed one so I put Roen's diaper on Remi and it fit! The size gap between them is closing up!

Still has two teeth, but I suspect another might be coming in on the bottom and top.

Squeals and squawks like no body's business!

Wants nothing to do with the pacifier. This is exactly what Remi did at about the same age. I guess it makes it easy on pacifier weaning!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

So sweet! Happy 7 month birthday to Roen. I can't believe he is already so old....this first year flies by!!!