Friday, August 31, 2012

Mitt Romney...

If you didn't get to watch the Republican Convention last night, you missed out. In fact, you should get online and watch in now.

I am so excited about this up coming election. Nothing would make me happier than to watch this man of God be voted into presidency.

Last night, Romney made me feel appreciated...

Appreciated for being a mother, for being a woman, for being a Christian, for being the owner of a small Oil and Gas business, and being an American who still has hope for our future. Not only my future, but the future of the un-employeed, the hungry, those who live in poverty and my children.

I truly believe this is a man who can lead our country out of one of it's lowest times and still bring honor to God.

Romney had so many amazing and inspiring things to say last night, but underlining it all, was that family, community and faith are the values that our country was built on. Amen to that! Amen to a man who values the very things written in the bible.

My prayer is that on November 6, 2012 Romney will become the 45th President of the United States of America!

I do NOT hate Obama, nor do I think he is a bad man...I think we need a change. I think that change should give us hope...I think that change is Romney!

1 comment:

The Holik's said...

Agree!! Loved the speech!!