Thursday, September 6, 2012


Little got stung by a scorpion the other day. This was actually the second time this has happened! She gets into the bushes and digs around for frogs and this is when she gets stung! I was inside and heard a loud yelp and Remi ran in the house to tell me he heard it too! It was really sweet!

Anyways, when she gets stung, she usually finds a dark quite place and sits there shaking all day- she won't eat or drink. Poor baby.

Remi was very concerned and took care of Little all day. He would make palettes for her and read her stories.

Here he is snuggled up with her on the coffee table and later that day reading her a story!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Little. When Roxie gets stung by things...which happens all the time, I give her childrens Benadryl. Always does the trick. If you don't already do that you might try going forward. Might help relax her and help w/any pain or itching :)
