Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Cemetary Girl

By David Bell

This book had an amazing build up! Unfortunately, the ending was a huge let down for me. Nothing truly felt resolved and it left much to be desired. This was a suspenseful thriller book based on a kidnapping of a 12 year old girl. She is discovered four years later. However, neither of ner parents were really prepared for the state their daughter would be in. As with most crime mysteries,bits and pieces were revealed along the way. But I felt like I knew no ,more about the kidnapping by the end of the book than I did 3/4 of the way in. With books like this, I love having the big surprise bangs in the last bits of the story.

The characters were ok for me. I felt very judgmental of both the parents and how they handled the coming home of Caitlyn. The dad seemed a bit crazy and the mom seemed almost apathetic towards the whole situation.

Great suspense but big letdown for me.

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