Monday, December 9, 2013

Snowed In...

As I'm sure you have all experienced, the ice has had us literally snowed in. The roads have been so bad that school has closed and we were cooped up since Thursday afternoon. It was fun staying warm and bundled up, watching Christmas movies and venturing outside every once in a while, but mostly, it drove me crazy. I hate being cooped up and the boy's nonstop fighting and fussing didn't make it any better!

Friday, was the morning we woke up to snow & ice covering the ground. Initially, Roen just wanted to snuggle in bed with breakfast. Remi, of course, from the minute his eyes popped open and peeked outside, wanted to go outside. After Roen saw him outside playing, he decided he wanted to join...

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Boys will be boys....but hey if I'd had anyone to fight with over the past couple of days I probably would have done so! Tigger just lays up and sleeps! They are so darn cute and look so happy to be outside in the snow/ice!!! Bring on the sunshine!!!!!!