Thursday, May 15, 2014

Boy Rooms & More Updates...

As our home is getting closer to being completed, I have been trying to figure out the boy's new rooms. Since this could very likely be our forever home, I am trying to get pieces that will last and grow with them, so we are pretty much starting new with their rooms.

Both boys previously had white furniture. I love white. If I had girls, their furniture would stay white. But I have boys and they are messy and gross sometimes. White is just not a great long term solution for us. Anyways, it has been fun picking out furniture and dreaming about their sweet 'big boy' rooms.

Roen's furniture is a rustic grey. It has already come in and I love it! I am really trying to keep the boy's room different from each other. I want each room to be specifically thought out for only them.

I have had quite a bit of trouble figuring out their bedding. Honestly, there is just not alot for boys. It is either plaid, cheesy or sports. Not that there is anything wrong with these, but I wanted boyish, not babyish and not too grown up.

Originally, I bought firefighter bedding for Remi before we sold our house. It came in around the time we moved, so it is still brand new in the box. However, I think I will now use it for Roen. It will last longer with him because he is younger. I really wanted to do something a little more grown up for Remi. Remi couldn't really decided what he wanted. If Roen was going to have emergency vehicle, then he wanted that too. If he had superhero, then he wanted Roen to have superhero. He can't stand to think that he might like Roen's better, so I guess he figures if they are the same that won't happen.

That's not happening. I want them different, so I am just getting the bedding and he will eventually get over it :) Remi really likes Spiderman and I think this is a cute solution. His bedroom furniture color is called denim- a grey/blue color, and I am just in love with it! Who knew I could have so much fun designing a room around superheroes and emergency vehicles instead of princesses and mermaids!

This is where I am so far. They will both have white beadedboard wainscoting and I am thinking really dark charcoal walls. You never really how things will turn out or how my mind will change, so the only thing for sure is Roen's furniture and bedding which are already bought!

Here are some house updates...

I finally picked out our exterior trim paint color (after 5 different colors) . I really wanted a creamy white. Not white white, but something that would look good with our white windows. I did white windows because all the trim inside will be bright white. Anyways, I think this will coordinate with the white and still be the look I envision.

Somehow, the brickers are still not finished. They have, however, finished the house and are working on the porches. After the porches, all they have left is the fireplace. Crossing my fingers they will be done this week!

All the wood floors have been laid. They will stain them at the very end. We have wood floors in every room except the bathrooms so most of the concrete is covered!

Last week, I picked out all my trim work and it has been ordered. Besides the built-ins, the trim work was the MOST IMPORTANT thing in this house to me.


Cindy Rector said...

Lots of progress since we were there. YAY I really like what you have picked out for the boys rooms. Cool beds.

The Holik's said...

Love it all!! It's coming along fast!! Picking out the kids stuff is the most FUN!