Monday, August 4, 2014

Paint on the Walls...

Well, we have paint on the walls! All the cabinets and trim are painted and Friday, they finished up the walls. There is still tape to be pulled and touch-ups, but they should be done with that this week.

I went with five different paint choices for the house.... but really just one main dominant color throughout.

After much deliberation, I came up with my palette: Sherwin Williams Oyster Bay, Grizzle Gray, Worldly Gray, Sea Salt and chalkboard paint.

I used Grizzle Gray throughout most of the house- in the bedrooms, bathrooms and main living area.

Sea Salt, I saved for my more formal areas and did these ceilings the darker shade Oyster Bay. I let the Worldly Gray break up the darker gray by using it in some of the hallways.

The chalkboard paint is covering the walls of our secret room... I can't wait to share this space with you all, but you will just have to wait a bit longer :)

At this point, actually moving into the house seems like it will never happen. It seems like we are so close, but there is still SO MUCH TO BE DONE. We don't have a move-in date, but I honestly think it will be the beginning of October before we can move in. If it is after that, I just might not make it!!

This is what we like to call "Anne's Room"... My mom will probably get the most use out of the guest bedroom. The tape on the upper trim still needs to be removed

Here is the kitchen (excuse my amazing photography skills, lol). We had budgeted/planned on glazing all the cabinets....but, I REALLY, REALLY like how clean they looked untouched. I have not made up my mind yet, but right now I'm leaning towards leaving them like this and just letting my sweet cabinet hardware add the little bit of sparkle they need. The upper trim here, still has tape on it as well

Micah's mancave just got trim and doors up. We plan to use a dark stain on the cabinets/doors/trim and are using a black/brown granite for the countertops. The floors are a dark -almost blackish- concrete.

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

I love the colors. Can't wait to see it in person. I told Whit y'all's colors are most identical. Looks great.