Thursday, September 10, 2015

Roen's 1st Day of School...

Today, I dropped my little Roen off at school. Though he went last year and will only go three days a week for a few hours, my heart still breaks.

This morning as I was getting him dressed, he looked up at me and said, "Mommy, you gonna be all alone, Right?" Yes, baby, mommy will be all alone and miss her babies like crazy. I truly love being a stay at home mom with all that I am. I can't really explain what it has meant getting to be with my children day in and day out, but that chapter is quickly ending and these pages of growing up seem to be filled with a few more tears.

I think Roen loved finally getting to wear his new 'school sneakers' and get ready for a big day just like big brother. I was certain he would get upset at drop-off, because last year Remi was with him, but that little squirt hopped out of the car with a smile and eyes excited for another year of adventure. Roen always seems to pleasantly surprise me.

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Handsome guy! He looks so happy and that is a blessing. Hope he has a great year and that you enjoy your few hours of alone time ! Much deserved....but as we all know, a mother's work is never done. Thanks for the update.....I've been missing it!