Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Latest Reading....

Here are my latest reading adventures. All four of these books are from the children/teen genre.

The first book I read, and probably my favorite of the group, although, not by much was The Awakening of Sunshine Girl by Paige Mckenzie. This was actual the sequel to The Haunting of Sunshine Girl that I read back in October. I just love this author and these books. They are not really scaring but a bit suspenseful at times. There will be a third book coming out and cannot wait!!! In fact, I hope she makes this into one long series!

Bridge to Terabithia is a book I have been wanting to read for a very long time. It is a very short and quick read. This book was also my favorite... it's ok to have two favorites, right?! This book made me cry like a baby. It is just so heart wrenching and in the most beautiful way. Children going through tragedy is something that just doesn't seem fair and never will. But the author put the most beautiful bow on this ending that made me cry bittersweet tears. For me, there is nothing better than a book that can take you so far into another world that it makes you cry- not tear-up, but a good uncontrollable cry. This book will be an all time favorite!

I remember reading Lord of the Flies back in junior high. I didn't really remember much about it except that it was mildly disturbing. Because of this, this book has also been on my 'to-read' list for quite sometime. Though this book is quite short, the author's writing style took me a bit of time to get a knack for. This book is disturbing and it honestly made me so mad at times.... but, I like a book that can get my feather's ruffled, so all in all I was glad I revisited this little book!

Saving Lucas Biggs by Marisa de los Santos is actually a book I picked up at Remi's book fair. This book was a cute and sweet take on time travel. Of course, it could have been taken so much further, and part of me wished for that, but being a children's book, it was perfect. Not an all time favorite by any stretch, but a fun read.

And I just got a book in that I AM SO EXCITED about. It's one I read way back in 8th grade... can't wait to share!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

You amaze me! I can read a book....which I finally did over the last two weeks...but I can't write a synopsis like you can. Thanks for sharing. Keep turning those pages.