Friday, May 17, 2024

The Last Little Bit of Spring Photodump...

Remi has missed his kayak so much since we have moved off the lake. I finally gave in and went down to the dock so that he could get back out on the water, to his happy place.

I love when the boys send me fish pictures. In fact, I alway remind them to text me pictures of their catches on their way out the door. Remi rarely does this, but Roen sweetly obliges! You can always tell who is holding the fish because Roen chews his nails down to little nubs, lol!

I spent an afternoon out on the back patio of DCC and listened to him share his ideas of a new business he wants to start. After lots of research, we gave him the green light to move forward- hence, the picture where he is sporting a gas mask!

I had a sweet little tagalong buddy to check house progress the other day! He didn't understand why he couldn't go ahead and dive in now... he is counting down the days until he can break in the pool!

Last Friday, I took the boys on a little shopping trip after school.... to the fishing lure shop! Haha, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be headed to Pond King instead of the mall with my teenagers one day!  They had so much fun getting all their new lures unpackaged and organized before heading out to fish the day away!

Remi got a chance to step out of his comfort zone while earning the last of his NJHS volunteer hours last weekend. They ended up parking him up on the stage to run the slide show- which 100% put him in his wheelhouse. They also had him drawing numbers and calling them out over the microphone- not his wheelhouse, but so good for him!

I am loving the rainbow of flowers in my backyard- pink, purple, blue, fuchsia.... it's like fairy garden! 

We have had everything from prom with Berk, Pre-K graduation with the baby, cat naps wherever we can get them, a gift-bearing visit from Anne, the boys and I helping with the sports banquet, teacher gifts, Remi getting chosen to be an 8th grade tour guide for the upcoming 6th graders, party crafting that involved cutting palms trees and cactus from huge sheets of fiberglas panels, storm watching with my fur babies, and of course, the ever revolving door of friend time!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

No one can ever say that y’all aren’t involved!! I just love these photo dumps of all the random activities they are involved in. You are so good at clicking that camera button and for that I’ll always be grateful. The one of Ro with the Armadillo made me laugh so hard! And Remi is definitely catching naps sitting straight up. That’s when you know they’re tired! 🥱 Your little helper at the house is precious!! I’m with him…let’s get this finished so we can dive in! 😎. So many great projects done and one in the works with Remi! Are you sure aliens didn’t land in your backyard? 😂. Of course you had to have a pink mask!! Looking pretty cool though!! Thanks for catching us up. Love y’all 😘
Oh I almost forgot…your flowers are beautiful! The yellow lilies are my new favorite!!