Saturday, June 8, 2024

Middle School Golf Tournament...

Our school started up middle school golf this year, and the boys have loved every minute!! The boys finished up their first tournament with both taking 1st in their age division! It’s always fun when they can celebrate together!

They were actually supposed to have 2 tournaments, but due to our extra rainy spring, we had to keep rescheduling and canceling. I am super excited that Roen gets one more year for middle school golf because Remi getting to join the high school team next year, is going to have him a wee bit jealous until he can follow suit!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Way to go Davenport boys!! I love that the Middle School has started golf. They have a lot of kids participating. I’m so proud of the RD’s. You got some great pictures and the one of the brothers is going to have to be framed. Office Depot here I come!! 😂 Congratulations to all!! Going to be exciting when school starts back up. Keep those long drives and short putts going!! Love y’all 😘