Monday, June 24, 2024

The Texas-Oklahoma Open '24...

Well, the TO has come and gone again this year. In my opinion, this is the hardest tournament the boys play. The competition is steep, it's three solid days, with one day being at an incredibly hard course and the weather is most always grueling. 

This year, we dealt with rain, mosquitoes, lightening delays and Roen even had 8.5 hour round. Remi's goal was to shoot in the 80's and Roen was aiming for the 70's. 

Remi started off hitting the ball amazing. He literally had one bad hole with a 10 and had he not had that he would have shot his all time best score. His second day was a struggle all the way through. He never could get his momentum and it was truly defeating. Day 3 for him was better than the previous and he even snagged a birdie on the back 9, so that helped his spirits a bit.

Roen also started off hitting the ball great! Even though he broke 80 two of the three days, I think he was also hoping to play better and better each round. 

This tournament is SO hard. In many ways, it is my least favorite because it's also hard on us as parents. Not only physically with caddying 54 holes in three days, but mentally. Roen ended up in 8th place which considering the competition, was pretty impressive. He missed 7th by one stroke and 6th by three strokes. Overall, both boys showed up, played hard and pushed through. Proud of them both!

Day One

Remi: 87

Roen: 77

Day Two

Remi: 107

Roen: 79

Day Three

Remi: 94

Roen: 81

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

I’m so proud of these guys!! They strive to do their very best every single tournament. It may not always be their best round, but they always have a smile on their face. The pictures are amazing. Thanks for sharing this event. Congratulations to Remi and Roen!! Great job guys! Love y’all 😘