Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Remi is 15...

It's hard to believe that I have a 15 year old and that he will be driving us around very soon! 

Remi at 15 has to be my most favorite age of all! He has the most thoughtful little heart, always aware of how his actions and words affect people, and so very observant in the way that he can read the body language and feelings of those around him. He tends to sit back and soak in the world around him, every little detail, having a solution to any problem that may arise. This isn't to say he is sympathetic to just anyone and everyone- Remi is a firm believer in fair consequences and sees things as they are. He isn't a sugar-coater and has always been my child with healthy boundaries. 

Remi has a very strict moral compass. What's right is right and there is really no fudging that line. He has extremely high expectations of those around him and is careful with who he allows into his little circle. He has no desire to 'fit in', 'be a cool kid' or do all the 'cool things'. If his little path leads him to spending the day with his best, coolest twin friends in his grade, awesome, if it takes him to solving coding problems with his Robotics team, well, that's awesome too! 

The other day while Roen was driving our 2 seater golf cart, the belt got loose and ripped off. Roen called Remi and he immediately had Roen hitched up to the 4 seater and towed Roen home. He then got on his Amazon account and ordered a new belt to replace the old one. The day the belt came in, he had that golf cart taken apart, new belt on and running like new.  Three different times this summer, he patched holes in golf cart flat tires... he truly can fix anything and everything!

Just last night before bed, I mentioned I had a few little projects I needed him to look at this week. I kid you not, within 20 minutes that boy had holes drilled in the back of Roen's nightstand and golf cabinet for lamp cord access and had installed a putter shelf for me. He is one handy boy!

Remi is getting to take Robotics this year as a freshman- he has been looking forward to this class since he started at Callisburg in the 4th grade. During the first week of school, his teacher quickly told him he was too advanced for the class and he has been getting to work with two upperclassmen, building and programing a competition robot!  His little engineer brain is in heaven! In fact, the first thing he wants to talk about when I pick him up from school is almost always his robot!

Remi continues to place high importance on his grades and has high expectations of himself, seeking perfection in almost all things brain related. This is a catch 22 for him, but I never have to doubt the effort he brings to the table when it comes to school. 

He has joined the high school fishing team, still shoots trap with FFA and of course, still spends a lot of his time out on the course.

Remi loves sushi, Nutella anything, brownies, blueberry muffins, seafood, BBQ and sweet tea.

This year, Remi is my happy little early bird. He wakes up, makes his bed (most of the time),  is ready on time and is full of chirp! I think the main reason for this is because he has early morning workout before school and he is out the door before Roen is even up! 

Remi loves being with his friends, but is equally content to spend his time solo! In fact, Remi functions best when has a good balance of independent time away from others. Many times, he will go out on the course and play a round by himself!

Remi is a homebody, a tinkerer and the ultimate pack rat! 

He continues to be happiest when he is getting to use his brain to problem solve and create!

I tell Micah all the time that I don't know what we would do without Remi because truly, he fixes and figures everything out for us all! He is our little caretaker, especially of his momma. He is growing up to be such a responsible and dependable teenager, and we are beyond proud to call him ours!

We had a wonderful day full of celebrating, but I'll save that for the next post! He did request dirt cake and so I got up super early to make sure he had his wish as soon as he woke up as a 15 year old! And what better way to kick off 15 than dessert for breakfast... he gets that from his momma! 

And just for fun, I am including pictures of his robot that he has been spending so much time with. I wonder if it has a name- I'll have to inquire when I pick him up this afternoon! Also including some pictures I snapped of him finishing up his changing out the cart belt. I have to be real careful taking pictures, because he can get real cranky when I get out the camera!

Remi, you are one of the coolest kids I know! Keep marching to the beat of your own drum!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

I am absolutely in awe of everything that Remi can do!! His problem solving skills are off the chart. I just loved reading about the golf cart rescue. First off, Roen knows his brother is there for him and that speaks volumes!! The trust level is so strong. Super impressed that he got online , ordered the belt, got it installed and the cart is back up and running!! Way to go RemiπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
I love the young man he is becoming and love him so very much! Just still can’t believe he’s 15!!! Thank you for sharing everything that Remi has going on in his life right now. Certainly fun to CELEBRATE!! And dirt cake for breakfast…doesn’t get any better than that!! Love y’all!! 😘