Monday, February 10, 2025

A Visit From Anne...

When I told Anne about Remi getting baptized, you better believe, she marked her calendar! She brought Remi a 'fishers of men' bracelet to remind him of his special day, along with letters and love from the rest of the crew who couldn't make the trip!

The boys are not the only ones who love when Anne visits! All three dogs are in constant battle for her attention and lap, and think when Anne comes, her most important and only job is to cuddle, love and throw balls for them! 

I even caught them all napping with her one afternoon, and she will probably kill me for posting this, but I think her falling asleep with the dogs while doing her bible study is the sweetest thing ever! *Of course, when I went to take their picture, they all woke up*

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Oh how I love this post!! This will be one of the most special moments in Remi’s life and I am so glad Anne was able to be there with you all! Honestly, this is probably the fastest trip time to date. 😉. I love how the fur babies pile up in her lap and enjoy sweet snuggles! Great pictures and wonderful memories! Thanks for sharing! Love y’all 😘