Thursday, February 13, 2025

Robotics Meet...

The end of January brought on Remi's 3rd robotics meet. 

They only won 3 of their 6 matches at this meet and even though Remi was disappointed, I was so proud of how well the autonomous did! He has put in so much trial and error into coding the robot's auto capabilities and it's no easy feat reaching that perfection!

Regardless of the final scores, Remi loves every minute and truly shines in that way that only happens when your honing in on skills that come naturally and challenge you all at the same time!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

Remi is definitely in his element!! The smile on his face speaks for itself!! I can’t begin to imagine what all goes in to making this robot work. Lots of dedicated classmates working together to make it happen. Congratulations on their wins! 👏🏻👏🏻 Love y’all 😘