Monday, March 3, 2025

Winter Nationals 2025...

This was Roen's 3rd year to compete at the UA Winter Nationals! This year, they moved the tournament further south, to Palm Beach so that we would have some warmer weather. The PGA National Resort is also the course they play Summer Nationals, and we were all excited to be on familiar grounds!

Micah and Roen left after school Thursday, so that he could squeeze in a practice round on Friday. I let Remi get in about half a day of school on Friday and then we met them in Florida that evening! As soon as we arrived, we met the Cates at a waterfront restaurant for dinner and drinks.... it was warm and glorious! And it felt so good to have my foursome back together.... spoken like a true mom of busy teens!

Roen got to play his practice round with Hudson (long time golf buddy) and his very best friend, Pearson! They both qualified for this tournament and it made it made the whole tournament that much more exctiting!

I'm going to break this trip up into several posts, because I took way too many pictures to try and overload one single blog post!

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

So proud of Roen for his hard work on his golf game! Pretty awesome that friends are there playing as well. Looking forward to the next few posts as this tournament unfolds! As always, thank you for sharing this experience! Love the pictures! Love y’all! 😘