Happy New Year...16 days later :)
2012...Wow! I can already tell, this will be an amazing year!
But, before we go there, I want to take some time to remember the past year and all the blessings it held...
Last year, was a year full of many, many things. Love, adventure, changes, risks, and more and more changes. Our little family went through so many changes, sometimes I can't believe we actually made it out in one piece!
We lived in three different houses, sold out first house, rented a house and bought our second house. We had a baby and moved when Roen was only 3 weeks old. Roen had lived in three different homes by the time he was four months old. Remi became a big brother, left family he saw everyday, and learned that 'home' was not necessarily a place, but being in the arms of his Momma and Daddy.
We saw so many different places. The boys had their first visits to the ocean, Disney and airplane ride. Micah went on the hunt of a lifetime and I got to see some of 'The Masters' work of art in real life at the Met. 2011 has most definitely been fun!
However, it is not the trips or even the different homes we lived in that really made it's mark...
In the winter of 2010, Micah informed me that he had a new business venture churning. In February of 2011 Micah quit his job as a Auditor to pursue something that had the potential to be so much more. Before I go on, I have to say that I WAS NOT on board with this. I had a one year old and was 6 months pregnant. Not only was he quiting his job, we would be going with out pay for an uncertain amount of time. This scared me.
You see, Micah isn't like anyone I have ever met. He doesn't settle and is always hungry to conquer more. Being comfortable is not his ideal. He thrives on challenge, risk and truly making the most of the talents God has given him. He isn't scared of failure and has the heart of an entrepreneur.
I always knew something like this was in his future, so deep down I knew I had no choice. I wanted him to be happy and I refused to stand in the way of something he was made to do. I said yes, and it was a very hard 7 months. 7 months until we actually started paying ourselves. 7 months before I didn't dread going to the grocery store because I knew EVERY SINGLE PENNY counted. 7 months of not buying anything that we did not absolutely HAVE TO HAVE. It was hard. It was really hard. Honestly, there were times that I wasn't sure it was gonna happen.
But you know what, Micah never doubted and never ceased to provide for this family. We always had food on the table and beds to sleep in. No matter what happened, Micah found a way to get us through. This was the first time in our marriage that I had to rely on Micah in this way. Besides taking care of the kids, I felt completely helpless. This proved to be one of the hardest times in our marriage, yet it brought us closer than any thing we have ever gone through.
2011 was about taking the chance, to trust, to provide and to truly journey down a rode we were meant to be. I have no doubt in my mind, that we are following the path God designed for us. As a wife, I am proud. Proud like I am when I see my babies play when they think no one is looking. I am proud that God created someone like Micah to give me hope and a hunger for life.
Though, the work is never done, and Micah works nonstop, I am proud to have someone by my side that doesn't mind rolling up their sleeves, putting in a little sweat & tears, and knowing that not only does the end justify the means, but the journey makes us appreciate each other.
2011 was the year that I saw what Micah was truly made of. It was the year that God proved once again, that we don't always get the things we deserve...sometimes we get someone even better!
Micah, it has truly been a joy to watch you chase your dreams....here's to many more with you!
PS...In the Summer of 2012 I will become an aunt for the first time...TWICE!!
This is such a great post! I can understand your journey from this past year in so many ways! I'm so happy for ya'll and I know you'll keep on thriving!
Is Whitney pregnant?!? Congrats and I loved this post. You guys are so great and I'm so happy to call y'all my friends.
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