Monday, February 13, 2012

9 Months...

Roen is nine months old!!!

This first picture, describes Roen perfectly...happy almost all the time. This boy gives me no trouble at all and seems to love everything and everyone around him!

He is now saying 'Dadda'. I still hear him say 'momma' occasionally, but he says 'dadda' all the time. I have also heard him say 'byebye'. He is talking much earlier than Remi did.

He is pulling up and letting go with one hand...sometimes two.

Loves to eat anything we do! So far has loved, lasagna, refried beans, mashed potatoes, little crunchies and yogurt melts

Loves the church nursery and doesn't bat an eye when we leave him

Is very much a Momma's boy. He loves to be in my arms and reaches for me often. However, he is not unhappy in other people's arms yet. He does get upset, though if he sees me leave the room

Had a great report from the doctor and is weighing 19.4 lbs (29%) and 27.75 inches (33%)

Got his first real battle wound a couple of days ago when Remi decided to bite him on his eye. Luckily, he just has a red and swollen eye brown. Poor baby :(

Loves to play with all of Remi's toys

Will start bobbing up and down when music plays

thinks it is funny when we tell him 'no'

Still has four new ones yet

Still taking one morning nap and one afternoon nap. Goes to bed around 6ish, wakes up to eat around 5 and goes back to bed until 7:30ish

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