Wednesday, August 15, 2012

15 Months...

Little RoBear had his 15 month check-up yesterday! My baby is growing up!

He weighed in at 22.11 lbs (24%) and is 30.5 inches long (31%). Even though he eats ALL THE TIME and is quite a chubby little guy, he is really is rather small!

Roen continues to be a happy and easy going baby. He is walking everywhere and loves his independence. However, he is always most happy in his momma's arms. He stills sleeps amazingly. He goes to bed around 7:30 and I don't hear a peep from him until around 7:30 the next morning. He takes one nap around 12:30 everyday. I LOVE that him and Remi are napping at the same time now. We have so much more free time to run errands and I get a couple hours to get things done. (I don't mean to brag about my good sleeper, believe me, I know what it is like to have a child who does not sleep well. Remi still to this day, will wake up almost every single night)!

Roen likes to play with anything. He will look at books, play with cars or play outside with Remi. He really doesn't care, he just kinda rolls around all day smiling and content.

He loves to clap to music, wave at people and talk. He says lots of words (night-night, momma, dadda, uh-oh, bye-bye...) but he loves to babble. He will just look at you and start babbling like he is having a very serious conversation!

I think I could just eat up his chubby little cheeks...oh how I love that little boy!


Whitnee said...

Love that sweet smile!

Unknown said...

He is such a cutie and so much fun! I enjoyed my day with him!