Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Sick Baby...

We have been doing alot of this lately :(

Roen has been wheezing pretty bad anytime he is up and moving (almost always) ever since Sunday afternoon. The doctor things his airways are either irritated from some food he sucked down the wrong way or he has a bronchial virus. Either way, Roen started some steroids and breathing treatments to help make him breathe better.

I grew up with very severe asthma and many of my childhood memories involve breathing treatments and hospital visits. In the back of my mind, I can't help but wonder if this is asthma making an appearance. Lord willing it is not!

1 comment:

XO, Katie said...

We do breathing treatments a lot around here! Tate has actually learned to like the mask :-( which is sad. I hope Roen feels better very very soon!