Wednesday, August 14, 2013

VB 2013

We are smack dab in the middle of VBS at our church. I am doing the 2's and 3's, which puts Remi and Roen in my class. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't challenging but I am hoping the memories will out weigh it all :)

As if you can't tell, Remi is a bit obsessed with Batman at the moment. I just love that he 'flies' around all day being our personal superhero :)

Here is VBS from last year... oh, how they have grown!

Here are the boys last night as we were heading out the door...

1 comment:

Cindy Rector said...

You are one lucky momma! Having a "Super Hero" flying around 24/7....what could be better. His little side kick is a real cutie..guess he needs a Robin costume. Both of them are growing like weeds. Before you know it they will be as tall as you. Well I hope the rest of VBS goes off without a hitch. Bet they are having fun. I will be tuned in for more adventures from the RD2' you all and thanks for the posts! CiCi