Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Swimming Fishies....

Swim lessons are still going great. Next week will be our last week of this session. From here each boy will move up into their next classes. Earlier this week, the boys both got their 'jump turn' ribbons. At the end of each session, they have the kids jump into the pool with all their clothes on (so they know how it would feel if they were to fall in a pool not wearing a swimsuit), immediately turn back to the wall and pull themselves out of the water. Remi has been able to do this for quite some time, but this session is where Roen finally learned to do it all by himself! Yay for kids learning to save themselves!!


Kiley said...

Yay Remi and Roen! Emler is a great place!

Cindy Rector said...

Way to go boys! I would have never thought about the difference the weight of your clothes would make....guess that's why I'm not giving lessons. I can't wait to see them in action this summer.